Friday 23 December 2011

Package Application Software

This I believe is the most complex assignment given to us but I must admit that this was too interesting. Here I have created a company using FRONT ACCOUNTING called "GSD" hypothetical spare parts company where by I have created two customers, two suppliers, and two items called 1) Disc Brakes 2) Clutch Plates and I have raised two purchase orders and two sales order and made and collected the payment respectively.

Now other software available like BLUE ERP, SIMPLE INVOICE which were also good but lacked somewhere when compared to "FRONT ACCOUNTING"
Let us see each of them separately:
It has features like Customer management, then Supplier management, General Ledger,Contacts most importantly and hence too heavy to use. No cons as such but seemed a bit tedious to work with hence I didn't went ahead with this.
Here in this software we see that invoices can be easily made but that is not all it lacks Taxation component,General Ledger,etc.
The only thing which I liked was various types of invoices could be made easily.

At last I can say that it was a good learning experience, because this gave me an opportunity to creates financials for a very new company and I did it of my own for which I am satisfied with myself. I thank my faculty for giving this opportunity...

Here is the link given below:

Username: admin
Password: Pass

1 comment:

  1. good. why dont you crete a detailed writeup on this product and explore the possibility of 'selling' a consulting assignment to small shop / industry in Calcutta during your summer. Good learning + Good earning :-)
